
Feature Request

Anish Jangra
Anish Jangra
Updated on

Feature requests help improve products by letting customers share their ideas with product teams. They're important for both customers and companies and can lead to better products and business growth. In this blog post, we'll talk about the value of feature requests, how to prioritize and manage them, and how to deal with requests that don't match your product's goals.

We'll cover the importance of feature requests, how to sort them, tips for handling them, ways to deal with requests that conflict or don't fit your product, and what product teams look for when evaluating requests. By using these tips, your product can grow to meet user needs while staying true to your vision and goals.

What is a Feature Request?

A feature request is a formal or informal suggestion made by users or customers to a software development team or product provider, requesting the addition, improvement, or modification of a specific feature within a product or service. It is a way for users to express their needs and desires, and provide input on how they believe the product can be enhanced to better meet their requirements.

The purpose of a feature request is to influence future development decisions and potentially have the suggested feature implemented in future product updates or releases.

How to write a feature request?

Writing a feature request involves clearly articulating the desired change, its benefits, and the potential impact on the product. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Clearly define the problem or need: Identify the specific problem or requirement that the proposed feature aims to address. This helps the development team understand the context and purpose of your request.

  2. Provide a detailed description: Clearly describe the feature you are requesting, including its functionality, benefits, and any specific use cases. The more specific and detailed your description, the better the development team can understand your request.

  3. Prioritize and justify: Explain why this feature is important and how it aligns with the goals of the product or service. Provide justifications based on user needs, market trends, or potential business value.

  4. Use structured format: It can be helpful to use a structured format for your feature request, including headings such as "Problem Statement", "Proposed Solution", and "Expected Benefits". This makes it easier for the development team to navigate and understand your request.

  5. Include examples and visuals: Whenever possible, provide examples or visual aids such as diagrams, wireframes, or mockups to illustrate your request. Visuals can enhance clarity and help the team visualize the desired outcome.

  6. Avoid technical jargon: Write your feature request using clear and non-technical language to ensure it is easily understood by both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

  7. Consider feasibility and impact: Take into account the technical feasibility, potential implementation difficulties, and the impact on existing functionalities. This shows you have considered the practical aspects of implementing the feature.

  8. Be constructive and respectful: Maintain a positive and respectful tone in your feature request. Remember that you are collaborating and providing input to improve the product.

  9. Keep it concise: While providing necessary details, aim to keep your feature request concise and focused. Avoid unnecessary information or excessive elaboration.

  10. Submit your request through the designated channel: Follow the guidelines and processes for submitting feature requests provided by the product or service provider. This ensures that your request reaches the right individuals for consideration.

By following these guidelines, you can create a well-written and persuasive feature request that increases the chances of your suggestion being considered and potentially implemented by the development team.

How to raise a feature request?

To raise a feature request, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the appropriate channel: Different organizations have different processes for managing feature requests. Some may use feedback management tools like Supahub, while others may have a designated email address or feedback portal. Be sure to follow the established protocol.

  2. Research existing requests: Before submitting your feature request, search or browse through any existing feature requests to see if someone else has already made a similar suggestion. This prevents duplication and allows you to add your support or additional input to existing requests.

  3. Check for guidelines or templates: Some providers may offer guidelines or templates for submitting feature requests. If available, review these resources to understand any specific formatting or information requirements that should be followed.

  4. Prepare your request: Use the guidelines mentioned in the previous response to write a clear and well-structured feature request. Describe the problem or need, propose a solution, explain the benefits, and provide any supporting examples or visuals. Ensure that your request is concise, easily understandable, and respectful in tone.

  5. Present a strong case: Be prepared to justify the importance of the feature request and how it will benefit the product and its users.

  6. Submit your request: Use the designated channel or platform to submit your feature request. Fill out any required fields, attach any relevant files, and provide any additional information as requested by the provider. Double-check your request for accuracy before submitting.

  7. Be open to feedback: Once the request has been submitted, be open to discussing its merits and potential challenges with the relevant parties.

  8. Follow up and engage: After submitting your feature request, it's a good practice to periodically check for updates on the status of your request. Engage with the provider's support or community team, if available, to discuss and clarify any details or questions related to your request.

Remember that not all feature requests can be implemented, and the provider may have their own product roadmap and strategies to consider. However, by following these steps, you can effectively raise your feature request and increase the chances of it being considered and possibly implemented by the software or service provider.

How to ask a customer for a feature request?

Customer input is invaluable when it comes to identifying potential feature requests. Here are some tips for collecting customer feedback:

  1. Create a supportive environment: Ensure the customer feels comfortable providing feedback by creating a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere. Make it clear that their input is valuable and that you appreciate their insights.

  2. Prompt for feedback: Open the conversation with a question that encourages the customer to share their ideas. For example, you could ask, "Is there any specific feature or functionality you would like to see in our product/service?"

  3. Listen actively: Pay attention to the customer's needs and pain points. Let them explain their request in detail, and avoid interrupting or dismissing their ideas. Take notes to ensure you capture all the relevant information.

  4. Ask probing questions: To get a better understanding of the customer's needs, ask follow-up questions to gather more specific details. Dig deeper into the problem they are trying to solve and the desired outcomes they expect from the feature.

  5. Show appreciation and respect: Thank the customer for sharing their request and emphasize that their feedback is valuable to the development process. Let them know that their input will be considered seriously.

  6. Explain the process: Provide information on the process of submitting feature requests and how they are evaluated. Clarify any limitations or constraints that might affect the feasibility of implementing certain features.

  7. Offer alternatives or workarounds: If the requested feature is not feasible or cannot be implemented in the short term, try to offer alternative solutions or workarounds that might address the customer's needs. This shows that you are attentive to their concerns and committed to providing solutions.

  8. Follow up: Once the feature request has been discussed, assure the customer that you will pass on their request to the relevant team for consideration. Communicate any updates or decisions regarding their request on time.

Remember, the customer's perspective is valuable, so actively listen, respect their input, and appreciate their contribution. By following these steps, you can effectively gather feature requests from customers and continue to improve your product/service based on their needs.

What are Feature Request Examples?

  1. Adding a new report type in a data analytics tool: Users request a new report that shows a specific set of data in a different format.

  2. Integrating a third-party service in a project management tool: Customers ask for the ability to connect their favorite time-tracking app to the tool.

  3. Improving accessibility features on a website: Users with disabilities request better support for screen readers and keyboard navigation.

What are the benefits of feature requests?

Feature requests offer several advantages that can significantly improve your product and customer experience, including:

  1. Improved customer satisfaction: By addressing user needs and expectations, you can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Listening to your customers' feedback and implementing their suggestions demonstrates your commitment to their satisfaction, which in turn fosters trust and long-term relationships.

  2. Increased competitiveness: Staying in tune with customer demands helps keep your product relevant and competitive in the market. By incorporating feature requests, you can differentiate your product from competitors and stay ahead of industry trends, ultimately giving your product an edge.

  3. Informed product development: Feature requests can help guide the direction of your product development efforts and ensure resources are allocated effectively. By prioritizing features based on user feedback, you can focus on the most impactful improvements and avoid wasting time on less significant changes. This strategic approach to development can lead to a more successful and efficient product roadmap.

  4. Enhanced communication: Encouraging feature requests opens up a channel of communication between your team and your customers. This ongoing dialogue not only helps you stay informed about customer needs but also builds rapport and strengthens your relationship with your customer base.

Embracing feature requests can lead to a more successful and customer-centric product, ultimately benefiting both your business and your users.

How to prioritize feature requests?

Prioritizing feature requests can be challenging, but here are some techniques to help:

  1. Collect and centralize requests: Gather all the feature requests in a centralized system. This could be a dedicated feedback management tool, a spreadsheet, or a project management system.

  2. Define evaluation criteria: Establish clear evaluation criteria to assess the importance and impact of each feature request. This could include factors such as the number of requests for a specific feature, its alignment with the product roadmap or strategy, potential value and impact on the user experience, and technical feasibility.

  3. Categorize and group requests: Group similar feature requests together based on their functionality or underlying needs. This helps you identify common themes and prioritize feature requests collectively rather than individually.

  4. Engage stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders such as product managers, developers, and customer support teams in the prioritization process. Their input and expertise will add valuable perspectives to the decision-making process.

  5. Consider user feedback and impact: Analyze user feedback and consider the impact each feature request will have on the overall user experience. Prioritize requests that align with user needs and have the potential to provide significant value to a significant portion of your user base.

  6. Assess business value: Consider the potential business value and impact on your organization. Prioritize features that align with your strategic objectives, have a high potential for business growth or revenue generation, or can give you a competitive advantage in the market.

  7. Estimate effort and feasibility: Evaluate the technical effort, resources, and feasibility required for each feature request. Prioritize requests that are technically feasible and align with your development capacity.

  8. Use prioritization frameworks: Utilize feature prioritization frameworks such as the MoSCoW method (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have) or the Eisenhower Matrix (Urgent vs. Important) to help prioritize and categorize feature requests based on their urgency and importance.

  9. Communicate and manage expectations: Clearly communicate how feature requests are prioritized and the reasoning behind the decisions. Set realistic expectations with your customers, letting them know that not all requests can be implemented immediately but that their feedback is valued.

  10. Iteratively review and adjust priorities: Prioritization is an ongoing process. Regularly review and reassess the prioritization of feature requests based on new feedback, changing market conditions, and evolving business goals.

Remember that prioritization is a dynamic process, and it's important to balance the needs of your users, your business objectives, and the available resources. Regularly review and refine your priority list to ensure you are effectively addressing the most important requests.

Top Tips for Managing Feature Requests

Managing feature requests can be a challenging task for any product manager or development team. Here are some top tips to help you effectively manage feature requests:

  1. Clearly Define Your Product Vision: Before managing feature requests, ensure that you have a clear vision for your product. This will help you prioritize and evaluate feature requests based on their alignment with your product goals and objectives.

  2. Establish a Process: Implement a well-defined process for handling feature requests. This can include a standardized form or template for submitting requests, a designated person or team responsible for reviewing and prioritizing requests, and a documented workflow for tracking the progress of requests.

  3. Prioritize Requests: Evaluate each feature request based on various factors such as customer impact, feasibility, market demand, and technical constraints. Prioritize requests that align with your product strategy, provide significant value to customers, and can be reasonably implemented within your development roadmap.

  4. Communicate Transparently: Keep the requesters informed about the status of their requests. Even if a request is not accepted for implementation, provide clear and detailed explanations as to why it was rejected. This helps manage expectations and maintains open lines of communication with your users.

  5. Collect User Feedback: Engage with your users to gather feedback on feature requests. Conduct surveys, and user interviews, or collect feedback through feedback portals like Supahub or customer support channels. This helps in understanding the user needs and can influence the prioritization of feature requests.

  6. Maintain a Feedback Roadmap: Create a product roadmap that outlines the planned features and enhancements based on user requests. This communicates your commitment to addressing user needs and provides visibility into the development timeline.

  7. Monitor and Measure: Continuously monitor the usage and impact of implemented features. Use analytics and user feedback to measure the success and effectiveness of new features. This data-driven approach will help you make informed decisions and refine future feature requests.

  8. Collaborate with Stakeholders: Involve relevant stakeholders, including your product team, developers, and key customers, in the decision-making process. This collaboration ensures that decisions are well-informed and considers the perspectives of different stakeholders.

  9. Iterate and Evolve: Feature requests can change over time as user needs evolve and the market landscape shifts. Regularly review and update your feature request process to adapt to changing circumstances and ensure continuous improvement.

  10. Don't Overcommit: While it's important to listen to user feedback and prioritize their needs, it's also crucial not to overcommit to every request. Setting realistic expectations and managing scope is essential to avoid overloading your development team and compromising the quality of your product.

By following these tips, you can effectively manage feature requests and ensure that your product development efforts align with user needs and business goals.

How to handle conflicting feature requests from different stakeholders?

Inevitably, there will be instances where different stakeholders submit conflicting feature requests. Effectively addressing and resolving these conflicts is essential to maintaining a harmonious development process and ensuring the best possible outcome for your product. Here are some strategies to handle conflicting feature requests:

Identify the Root Cause of the Conflict

Begin by analyzing the source of the conflict between the feature requests. Are stakeholders requesting opposing features due to differing goals or priorities? Or is it a matter of personal preference or opinion? Understanding the root cause can help you develop a resolution strategy tailored to the specific situation.

Evaluate Each Request Based on Established Criteria

Revisit your evaluation criteria for prioritizing feature requests and assess each conflicting request based on these factors. Consider aspects such as user needs, business value, technical feasibility, and alignment with your product roadmap or strategy. This objective evaluation process can help clarify which request should take precedence.

Seek Compromise or Alternative Solutions

Find common ground between conflicting requests by seeking compromise or alternative solutions that address both parties' concerns while still delivering value to users and aligning with your product goals. Engage in open discussions with stakeholders, exploring potential middle-ground options and creative solutions that satisfy everyone's needs.

Communicate Transparently with Stakeholders

Maintain open lines of communication with all involved stakeholders throughout the decision-making process. Clearly explain how you evaluate feature requests, why certain decisions were made, and what factors influenced those choices. By being transparent about your reasoning, you demonstrate respect for stakeholder input and foster trust in your decision-making process.

Facilitate Collaboration Between Stakeholders

Encourage collaboration between stakeholders by creating opportunities for them to discuss their ideas directly. This can lead to a better understanding of each other's perspectives, fostering mutual respect and potentially revealing innovative solutions that address multiple concerns at once.

Reassess Priorities Regularly

As your product evolves and market conditions change, it's important to continually reassess your feature request priorities. Regularly review conflicting requests to ensure they remain aligned with user needs, business objectives, and available resources. Be prepared to adjust your prioritization as new information comes to light.

By adopting these strategies for handling conflicting feature requests from different stakeholders, you can effectively navigate challenging situations while maintaining a focus on delivering value to users and achieving your product goals.

How to handle feature requests that don't align with product vision or strategy?

There will be instances when you receive feature requests that don't align with your product vision or strategy. It's important to handle these requests professionally and effectively. Here's how:

  1. Acknowledge the request: Start by acknowledging the requester's input and thanking them for their suggestion. This shows that you value their feedback, even if it doesn't align with your current plans.

  2. Evaluate the request objectively: Assess the proposed feature using your established evaluation criteria, and consider its potential impact on user experience and business value. This ensures that you're making an informed decision based on objective factors.

  3. Communicate the misalignment: If the requested feature does not align with your product vision or strategy, clearly explain why this is the case to the requester. Provide context about your overall goals, target audience, and strategic priorities to help them understand the reasoning behind your decision.

  4. Offer alternatives or workarounds: If possible, suggest alternative solutions or workarounds that can address the requester's needs without deviating from your product vision or strategy. This demonstrates a commitment to helping users solve their problems while staying true to your objectives.

  5. Keep an open mind for future consideration: Even if a feature request doesn't align with your current vision or strategy, it may become relevant in the future as market conditions change or new opportunities emerge. Keep a record of these requests for potential reevaluation during future prioritization sessions.

  6. Encourage ongoing feedback: Invite users to continue sharing their ideas and feedback, emphasizing that their input is essential for improving your product over time. Maintaining open lines of communication can lead to valuable insights and strengthen relationships with users.

By following these steps, you can handle feature requests that don't align with your product vision or strategy in a professional and respectful manner while staying focused on delivering value in line with your overall objectives.

What criteria does the product team consider when evaluating feature requests?

When evaluating feature requests, product teams consider various criteria to assess their value and impact on the product and users. Here are some common criteria:

  1. User Value: The team assesses how a feature request aligns with user needs and expectations. They consider whether it solves a significant problem, addresses a recurring pain point, or adds significant value to users' experience.

  2. Business Impact: Product teams evaluate the potential business impact of implementing a feature request. They consider factors like revenue generation, customer acquisition, retention, and market competitiveness.

  3. Alignment with Product Vision: The team assesses whether the request aligns with the long-term product vision and strategy. They evaluate if it fits within the roadmap and contributes towards achieving the product's goals.

  4. Feasibility: Product teams consider the technical feasibility of implementing the feature request within the existing infrastructure, resources, and development capabilities. They assess if it can be delivered within a reasonable time frame and effort.

  5. Priority and Urgency: The team evaluates if the feature request is urgent or time-sensitive based on customer demand, market trends, and competitive landscape. They consider whether the request should be addressed immediately or can be prioritized for later releases.

  6. Impact on User Experience: The product team assesses how the feature request will impact the overall user experience. They consider factors such as usability, intuitiveness, efficiency, and consistency with existing features.

  7. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Product teams consider the potential costs and resources required to implement the feature request. They weigh the benefits against the costs to determine if it is a feasible investment for the company.

  8. Data and Insights: Teams may rely on data and insights from user research, user feedback, analytics, and market analysis to validate and support the evaluation of feature requests.

It is important to note that the specific criteria considered may vary depending on the product, industry, and organizational context. Product teams often develop their prioritization frameworks to ensure consistency and transparency in feature evaluation and decision-making.


In conclusion, effectively managing and prioritizing feature requests is crucial for creating a successful, user-centric product. By fostering open communication with users and stakeholders, evaluating requests based on well-defined criteria, and balancing user needs with business objectives, you can ensure that your product evolves in a way that delivers maximum value to both your customers and your organization.

Remember to continually reassess priorities as market conditions change and maintain a transparent decision-making process to build trust among your users. Ultimately, embracing feature requests and incorporating them into your product development strategy will lead to increased customer satisfaction, competitiveness, and long-term success.


How does the product team prioritize feature requests?

Feature requests are prioritized based on various factors such as user demand, alignment with the product roadmap, potential business value, technical feasibility, and overall impact on the user experience. Evaluation criteria and stakeholder input play crucial roles in this process.

Who reviews feature requests?

Feature requests are typically reviewed by a team that may include product managers, developers, and other stakeholders. This team evaluates the requests based on established criteria and their alignment with the product's strategic goals.
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