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Beamer Alternatives

The best affordable alternative to Beamer

Beamer ( is a great tool for communicating with customers, but it can get expensive if you need advanced features. If you're looking for an alternative to Beamer, consider Supahub.

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Supahub vs Beamer pricing comparision
  • Increase feature awareness

    Increase feature awareness

    Make your users feel excited about what's coming next and are more likely to share their excitement with others.

  • Increase user engagement

    Increase user engagement

    Provide them with more information about what's new in your product and how it could benefit them.

  • Share product updates

    Share product updates

    Send your users product update notifications when you release new features or upgrades. is expensive

Why look for a Beamer alternative?

One of the biggest advantages of using Supahub over Beamer is its pricing structure. Beamer ( costs $119/month while Supahub charges flat $19/month.

Beamer charges based on the monthly visitors
, Supahub offers unlimited visitors at all tiers so no matter how many users or visitors you track, there's no additional cost for you.

Why look for a Beamer alternative?

Beamer charges based on monthly visitor

Beamer charges based on monthly visitor. This can quickly add up if you have a lot of visitors.

Beamer does not remove watermark

Beamer does not remove watermark. This means that there will always be some kind of Beamer branding visible on the website.

No feedback portal customizations

There is no feedback portal customizations available with Beamer, which makes it harder to get feedback from your audience.

Comparison Beamer vs Supahub

Quick look: Why people prefer Supahub over Beamer?

Supahub is the best alternative for Beamer because it offers similar functionality at a fraction of the price. Here's a detailed comparision:

Beamer logo
  • Little Star

    Pricing starts at $119 per month

    Beamer is priced at $119 per month, which can make it more expensive for businesses with small to mid-sized teams.

  • Little Star

    Cannot whitelabel Beamer branding

    Even after paying $119 per month you cannot remove 'Powered by Beamer' label.

  • Little Star

    Poor support

    With Supahub, you'll be able to see exactly what customers are saying about your product.

  • Little Star

    Outdated user interface

    Beamer, while functional, can be more complex and harder to use. This may result in a lower adoption rate and decreased user satisfaction.

  • Little Star

    Plan starts at $19 per month

    Supahub offers affordable pricing starting at $19 per month with more features and customization options than Beamer.

  • Little Star

    Easy to whitelabel Supahub branding

    With Supahub, you can whitelabel Supahub branding easily and customize feedback portal as per your need.

  • Little Star

    First class support

    With Supahub, you'll be able to see exactly what customers are saying about your product.

  • Little Star

    Modern & catchy user interface

    Supahub offers a clean, streamlined interface that's easy to use and intuitively designed. This helps to streamline the feedback process and increase overall efficiency.

Best Beamer Alternative

Supahub is a better affordable Beamer alternative

Alternative to Beamer(, Supahub is a software that can announce your latest product updates, new features and bug fixes to your audience. Beamer is great for basic changelog content, but becomes expensive if you are looking for advanced usage such as live updating of content on the website or mobile app.

Supahub Testimonial from paid users
5 Stars

loved by 300+ customers

Supahub helps collect feedback from different platforms

Collecting feedback from different platforms including email, Discord, Slack, Intercom and social media.

More on feedback boards
Supahub helps collect feedback from different platforms

Better customizations than Beamer

Maintain brand consistency, choose bespoke brand colours for your background, text, and buttons.

Better customizations than Beamer

Set custom domain

To make your public feedback portal look more professional and be simpler for visitors to locate, set a custom domain for it.

Set custom domain

Powerful text editor

To make it simpler for you to produce rich-text content, Supahub offers a robust text editor.

Powerful text editor

Better way to prioritize features

Make your users feel excited about what's coming next and are more likely to share their excitement with others.

Better way to prioritize features

Customize statuses

Change the status of a feature from “planned” to “in progress” depending on the development stage.

Customize statuses

Link related posts

Link existing feature request to your changelog post. Closing the feedback loop from collecting feedback to announcing updates.

Link related posts

Improve feature discovery

Allow your users to see what's been added, changed, or improved in your product, as well as the progress of each change.

Improve feature discovery
Best Beamer alternatives

Top Alternatives to Beamer (

Supahub is the best affordable alternative for Beamer ( because it offers similar functionality at a fraction of the price. Supahub also offers additional features like customizations, custom branding options, and more.

  • 1. Supahub

    Overview: Supahub is a great alternative to Beamer which is a product changelog and release notes tool that helps you collect and organize feature requests to better understand customer needs and prioritize your roadmap. With Supahub, you can easily centralize product feedback from your customers and use that feedback to build better products. It comes with more design customizations than Beamer and offers various templates to choose from. It has an intuitive interface and it's easy to use. It's also offers a free trial, which makes it a great option for small businesses or startups who want to get started with a customer feedback management tool without having to pay anything.

    Pricing: Supahub starts at $19 per month with unlimited feedback.

    Sign up for Supahub
    Little Star
  • 2.

    Overview: is a product idea management platform that allows you to track ideas, collect feedback from customers, prioritize them based on votes and comments, and create public roadmaps with team members from different departments such as product management and marketing. It integrates with Jira, Trello, Slack, and other project management tools so that all information is kept in one place.

    Pricing: starts at $99 per month.

    Alternative to Canny
    Little Star
  • 3. Trello

    Overview: Trello, which is a project management tool, is one of the most popular alternatives to Beamer. It is free as well as easy to use. Trello allows you to create boards for different projects and add tasks under each board. You can assign tasks to your team members, comment on them, and even add attachments to them.

    Pricing: Starts at $6 per month for small teams that need to manage work and scale collaboration but doesn't offer upvotes, prioritization and public comments features.

    Alternative to Trello
    Little Star
  • 4.

    Overview: is a customer feedback management tool that helps you to cover the whole feedback loop - starting with the collection of feedback, through the prioritization and ongoing development of features, to the notification of your customers. offers features such as user personas, roadmaps for product management, and analytics that help you understand where your users are coming from and how they're using your products.

    Pricing: Nolt charges $39 per month per board.

    Alternative to Nolt
    Little Star
  • 5. Productboard

    Overview: Productboard is a feature prioritization platform for product teams. With it you can create an ideas board, which allows you to collect, organize and prioritize product ideas from within your company or from customers. You can also create user stories based on your feature requests and turn them into agile sprints so they can be tracked throughout their development cycle. However, if you're looking for something similar to Beamer that's specifically tailored towards collecting customer data then this might not be right for you since it doesn't have any tools built-in for that purpose.

    Pricing: Starts at $25 per maker per month.

  • 6.

    Overview: Aha is a mobile and web-based product management software that allows users to create product roadmaps, prioritize their tasks, and track progress towards achieving goals. It also includes an analytics dashboard that gives users insights into how well their products are performing. While Aha isn't quite as feature-rich as Beamer (most notably lacking in its ability to manage customer feedback), it does offer some unique functionality that makes it worth considering as an alternative.

    Pricing: starts at $49 per month.

  • 7. Pendo

    Overview: Pendo is an all-in-one marketing platform that allows you to collect customer feedback, prioritize features based on customer input, gather real-time data about your users, and more. It's easy to use and integrates with other services like Slack and Salesforce.

    Pricing: Pendo plans starts at $4000 per year billed Quarterly for up to 5,000 monthly active users.

  • 8. Upvoty

    Overview: Upvoty is a customer feedback management tool that allows you to collect, prioritize, track, and respond to all of the customer feedback coming in from various sources across your organization. Upvoty has a much cleaner and simpler interface than Beamer which makes it easier to use for beginners and more advanced users alike!

    Pricing: The plan starts at $15 per month for 150 tracked users. Yes, Upvoty charges are based on tracked users.

    Alternative to Upvoty
    Little Star
  • 9. Uservoice

    Overview: Uservoice is a customer service tool that helps companies understand their customers better by collecting and analyzing data about their interactions with your business. With Uservoice, you can set up surveys, track customer satisfaction over time, and get notified when something goes wrong so that you can respond quickly.

    Pricing: Uservoice offers $799 per month billed annually which includes up to 200 unique end users providing feedback.

    Alternative to Uservoice
    Little Star

FAQ on Supahub vs Beamer

Everything you need to know

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

  • Why is Supahub the better Beamer alternative?

    Supahub is a better alternative to Beamer because it's more affordable, customizable, and offers a more robust feature set. You also get unlimited users, which means your team can collaborate on the same project without having to pay extra fees like they would with Beamer.

  • What is Supahub?

    Supahub is a better alternative to Beamer. It offers the same functionality as Beamer, but it comes with an advanced feature set and lower price tag than its competitor.

  • What features does Supahub offer?

    Supahub allows you to create announcements, product updates, new features, bug fixes and release notes for your audience with ease. You can even add images to your announcements or product updates using the editor provided by Supahub. In addition, you can schedule your announcements on specific dates so that they get delivered automatically without any effort from you!

  • Does Supahub offer more customization options than Beamer?

    Yes, Supahub offers more customization options, including custom branding and the ability to add custom fields to feedback submissions than Beamer.

  • Does Supahub offer update announcement capabilities?

    Yes, Supahub includes features for announcing product updates, with the same level of interactivity as Beamer.

  • Does Beamer offer feedback management capabilities?

    Yes, Beamer includes features for collecting and tracking customer feedback, but it may not be as robust as a dedicated feedback management tool like Supahub.

  • Can I remove the 'Powered by Beamer' branding?

    No! Beamer doesn't let users remove the 'Powered by Beamer' branding even on their highest plan. This is incredibly frustrating and makes it hard to recommend Beamer as a viable solution for most businesses.

  • Does Supahub offer update announcement capabilities?

    Yes, Supahub includes features for announcing product updates, and provides more customization options compared to Beamer.

  • Which product is better for announcing product updates?

    Both Beamer and Supahub offer capabilities for announcing product updates, but Supahub provides more comprehensive and customizable options for update announcements.

Beamer Alternative

Ready to shift from Beamer to Supahub?

Supahub is a simple changelog tool that can help you communicate with your audience. It's easy to use, and it doesn't cost much.

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Marketing banner for Supahub which is a popular customer feedback tool.