Product changelog & release notes

Notify users what's new with product changelog

With Supahub, you can quickly announce new product updates, build feature awareness, and engage customers with your newest releases.

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Notify users what's new with product changelog
  • Increase feature awareness

    Increase feature awareness

    Make your users feel excited about what's coming next and are more likely to share their excitement with others.

  • Increase user engagement

    Increase user engagement

    Provide them with more information about what's new in your product and how it could benefit them.

  • Share product updates

    Share product updates

    Send your users product update notifications when you release new features or upgrades.

Want to continue guessing what your users think of your product?
Supahub is not for you. We help you gather and analyze user feedback to make informed decisions.

Benefits of product changelog tool

Build customer loyalty by sharing your product's future plans

Product changelog helps you share information about your product development process in a clear and organized way, which can lead to increased loyalty and retention rates for your business.

Communicate clearly with your users

Communicate clearly

Helps encourage engagement and participation from users, which can lead to increased loyalty and retention rates for your business.

Changelog categorization with Supahub

Changelog categorization

Gives users an opportunity to voice concerns or issues directly with the product decision makers so that they don't have to rely on third-party reviews.

Close feedback loop with Supahub

Close feedback loop

Gain insight into what your customers think about how things work right now, what issues they're having with certain features and more.

Announce updates

Easily communicate your latest updates to your customers

Easily communicate your latest updates to your customers, so they can be confident in the latest changes and feel like they're getting a great value from the service or product that you offer them.

  • Little Star
    Retain customers by keeping them informed.
  • Little Star
    Close feedback loop faster than ever before!
Retain customers by keeping them informed.
Supahub helps you to close feedback loop from collecting to announcing

Close feedback loop

Close feedback loop from collecting to announcing

Product changelogs are a great way to close the feedback loop between your development team and users.

  • Little Star
    Send product update notifications.
  • Little Star
    Embed your changelog anywhere on your website.
Working of product changelog & release notes

How do product changelog tool work?

Understand the importance of keeping your customers informed about product updates and improvements. A product changelog and release notes tool is an essential part of this process.


Create a new post

Create a new changelog post by clicking the "New post" button in the upper right corner of your Supahub account.


Link related posts

You can link multiple pieces of feedback to one changelog post if they are related to each other. You can use this feature to create a better overview of the feedback you've received and make it easier for your customers to understand what's new in your product updates.


Publish & notify users

Once you're done linking, you can publish and notify users by clicking on the publish button at the top of the screen.

Enjoy manually organizing and categorizing user feedback?
Supahub is not for you. It automatically categorizes feedback and highlights the most important insights.

Product changelog features

Announce product updates with changelog

Announcing product updates is essential to keep your customers up-to-date with your latest features. With the Supahub changelog, you can announce and explain new features in a simple and clear way.

Powerful rich text editor

Powerful text editor that allows you to create richly formatted updates, with the ability to attach screenshots, video clips, and other multimedia content.

Powerful rich text editor

Link related posts

Link existing feature request to your changelog post. Closing the feedback loop from collecting feedback to announcing updates.

Link related posts

Improve feature discovery

Allow your users to see what's been added, changed, or improved in your product, as well as the progress of each change.

Improve feature discovery

FAQ on product changelog

Everything you need to know about product changelog

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

  • How does product changelog tool works?

    It's simple! Just create a new post from the admin dashboard and add the details about what's changed—that's it! You can even choose between a simple text only post or one that includes images or video.

  • Why use a product changelog?

    A product changelog is an easy way for your customers to stay up-to-date on what's new with your product. Whether it's a new feature, a change in pricing, or other major announcement. You can keep your users informed and engaged with the help of a product changelog.

  • Does Supahub offer a free trial?

    Yes! You can get started with Supahub by signing up for a 10-day free trial. It's completely free and comes with all the features you need to get started with your customer feedback management.

  • Do users have to signup to give feedback?

    No, they don't! Users can leave feedback anonymously or register and leave their email so that you can reach out if you have questions or concerns about their feedback.

  • Can I use Supahub as both an internal and a public feedback tool?

    Yes! You can use Supahub to collect feedback both from your internal team and from external users. The platform is highly customizable so that you can easily change feedback board privacy that serves your specific needs.

  • Can I embed a feedback board on my website?

    You bet! Supahub allows you to embed a feedback board directly into any page or section of your website, so customers can give their feedback right where they're reading about your product or service.

  • Can I import posts into Supahub?

    Yes! Supahub is designed to import all of your old data and keep it organized for you. Just let us know in chat support and we will be happy to help you at no extra cost.

  • Can I connect my own custom domain?

    Yes, you can set up your own custom domain by going to Settings > Custom Domain and adding your domain name there!

  • Can I whitelabel Supahub?

    Yes! Supahub is fully customizable, so you can customize the look and feel of your public portal as well as add company branding. We also have a number of themes available.

Have a high tolerance for frustrated customers? You guessed it.
Supahub is not for you. It automatically categorizes feedback and highlights the most important insights.

Try Supahub for free!

Want to build a product that your customers will love?

Supahub makes it easy. Our powerful feedback management system helps you collect, organize, and prioritize customer feedback, so you can build a product roadmap that truly meets their needs.

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Marketing banner for Supahub which is a popular customer feedback tool.