Customer Feedback

What Is Feedback Loop?

Feedback loop is a process where you collect data from users and use the information to make changes. It's an important part of product development, but it can be difficult to implement effectively.
Ayush Jangra
Ayush Jangra
Updated on
What is feedback loop and what is the purpose of a feedback loop

What is a feedback loop?

A feedback loop is a process that allows you to get information about your product, and then take action based on that information. It's a simple concept, but crucial for product managers.

The concept of a product feedback loop can be broken down into three parts:

  1. The actor, or the person using your product;

  2. The action they take with it; and

  3. The result of that action.

One example of a product feedback loop is when you ask customers (the actor) how they use your product (the action). You could then use that info to improve your product by adding features or fixing problems (the result).

Feedback loops are a crucial part of becoming a strategic product manager.

Think about it: without feedback, how would you know when to pivot? How would you know whether or not your product is working? How would you know if people actually like that thing that you thought was so cool? And how could you be sure that the thing you're working on right now is even going to be successful in the long run?

The answer is: You can't.

Without feedback loops, you're flying blind. You might have an idea that's good but it might not be great. Or it might not even be good! And without knowing what people think of your product, what are you going to do?

But wait there's more!

Feedback loops don't just help us make sure our products are good—they also help us figure out what they need to be better. If someone says they don't like something about your product, then maybe it needs improvement. Or maybe it's fine as-is and just needs some marketing tweaks so people can see its value!

But without feedback loops, we'd never know if there were any problems at all until after we'd already launched into production.

What is a product feedback loop?

A product feedback loop is a cyclical process that allows you to collect and analyze customer feedback, make changes based on the analysis (if necessary), and then get back into collecting more feedback.

This process can be done as often as needed to ensure that your product is always improving.

Why do you need a product feedback loop?

Product feedback loops are essential because they help you build better products. To know what customers want, you need to get their feedback and then use that information to make changes (if necessary). The more often you can cycle through this process, the better!

How does a customer feedback loop work?

A customer feedback loop is a process that involves collecting data from your customers, analyzing how they feel about your product (or service), and then making changes based on what you learn.

The purpose of the customer feedback tool is to create products that people will love and also tell you why they're not loving them right now so that you can fix it!

Customer feedback loops are built into every aspect of your business. From the sales team to the customer service department, everyone has a role in gathering feedback from customers, analyzing customer insights, and using it to improve the product or service.

But what does this mean for you as a product manager?

Well, if you want to make sure your product is on track and doing well, then you need to be collecting customer feedback from customers and users regularly.

This can be done through a feedback portal, surveys, focus groups, interviews—or even just by asking them directly how they like using your product!

The most common type of feedback loop has three steps:

  1. Collect feedback from customers.

  2. Analyze the feedback.

  3. Make changes based on the analysis.

This can be done in many different ways depending on what type of feedback is being collected. 

What is the purpose of a feedback loop?

Feedback loops are important for product managers because they help you know what's working, what isn't working, and whether or not you should keep doing more of the same.

The best product managers know that feedback loops are not just an idea, they're a way of life!

Think about it: if you're not getting any feedback from your customers, how can you tell whether or not your product is working? Or if it needs to be changed? And if you don't have customers at all, how do you know whether or not your product is worth making?

In short, it's how you know what people think of your product. If you're selling something, the feedback loop is all about hearing from your customers and users. In fact, the feedback loop is so important that many companies have entire teams like marketing and customer service dedicated to it.

The goal here is simple: figure out how well your product is working so that you can improve it or decide whether or not it needs fixing at all (which can save time and money).

The purpose of a feedback loop is to:

Improve customer experience

A feedback loop can help you improve the experience of interacting with your customers, leading to happier and more satisfied customers.

For example, if you have a support team that answers customer questions by email or phone, you could add a chat feature to your website so that customers can get immediate answers without having to wait for an email response.

Chat also allows your agents to engage in conversations with customers and learn about their needs and preferences—allowing them to provide better service as a result.

Improve product quality

A feedback loop helps you ensure that the products and services you provide are fit for purpose because it allows for quick identification of problems or issues in real-time (i.e., during or shortly after delivery). This means that any problems can be corrected before they become big problems—and leads directly to our next point!

Improve product development

Anytime there's a problem with one of your products or services, there's an opportunity for improvement! You can use this information as part of ongoing efforts toward continuous product improvement (CPI). By listening carefully over time, not only will you identify common themes across different users' experiences but also find ways to improve on those user experiences based on those themes—ultimately helping increase revenue while improving overall user satisfaction levels too!

Types of feedback loop

There are two main types of feedback loops:

Negative feedback.

Negative feedback loops occur when an action causes the system to return to its original state, as in a thermostat, which turns off power when it senses that the room is too hot or too cold. In this way, negative feedback helps maintain equilibrium within a system.

Positive feedback. 

Positive feedback occurs when one element amplifies another; this can lead to instability and runaway behavior if unchecked by other elements in the system (i.e., self-reinforcing processes). For example, if someone praises you for doing a good job at your job every day and then takes credit for it himself/herself, this would be an example of positive reinforcement—the person would feel more confident about his/her performance because others are praising him/her instead of congratulating themselves on their own efforts!

What is a negative feedback loop?

Negative feedback loops are a well-known concept in the world of product management. They're used to inform the company when they're making mistakes and need to change course.

The idea is that if a customer gives you negative feedback, or if they don't respond at all, it means that you're doing something wrong. The customer is telling you what they want, and if you don't listen and change your product accordingly, then the customer will stop using your product. And that's bad for business!

So how do you fix this? By listening to what your customers say through their actions (or lack thereof). When customers give you negative feedback like leaving one-star reviews on Amazon or not responding to a survey email, it's important to sit up and take notice. You need to figure out why they're unhappy so that you can make changes accordingly.

What is a positive feedback loop?

When customers give you feedback, it's important to take it seriously. In fact, if you don't take customer feedback seriously, your business might go under. But what does it mean when customers give you feedback? And how can you use that feedback to grow your business?

It all comes down to the concept of a "positive feedback loop." A positive feedback loop is a cycle in which an event causes itself to happen again—it's like a snowball rolling down a hill.

In the case of customer feedback, that means that if you respond positively to customer requests and complaints by taking them into account when making decisions about your product or service, then more customers will be happy with their experience and will continue giving good reviews on social media and other platforms. Those reviews will attract even more people who want what those customers have been given: a great product or service! This process continues until eventually, everyone has heard about your amazing product or service!

If you're not sure where to start with collecting customer feedback, try including feedback portals on your website.

What's the best way to get the feedback loop going?

You know that customer feedback is important, but there's always so much other work to do! How can you make sure that customers are getting their voices heard?

The truth is, you can't just wait for your customers to tell you what they think. You have to ask them.

The answer is simple: start with a feedback portal.

With a feedback portal, you can set up an online survey or form for customers to fill out, and then make it easy for them to submit their responses. You'll be able to use these responses as data for your next product releases, or even just to better understand what customers want from your company.

This isn't just helpful for product managers—you'll also see benefits in the marketing department and other areas of your business as well.

How to close the product feedback loop?

In order to close the product feedback loop, you need to have a feedback portal that allows customers to provide feedback. You can use tools like Supahub to create simple, easy-to-use feedback boards where your customers can leave their thoughts and comments about your product.

Customers can submit their thoughts in the form of text or video, and you can use that information to make improvements to your product or service.

Another way is through surveys either through email or by sending out online forms and then following up with customers who respond to get more detailed feedback on what they want to be changed or improved.

Both of these methods will help you get more information about what your customers want from your business, and what they're willing to pay for it!

Customer feedback loop best practices

The first step in building a feedback loop is to set up a feedback portal that allows customers to leave comments, suggestions, and complaints about your products or services. If you're not sure where to start with creating your own feedback portal, there are many templates available on the Internet that you can use as inspiration.

Once you've got a place for customers to leave their comments and complaints, it's time to start collecting them!

Here are some best practices for creating a customer feedback loop:

  1. Make sure that your feedback portal is accessible from anywhere.

  2. Don’t rely on surveys alone; use multiple methods to gather feedback.

  3. Include the right people in the loop. You'll want to include both employees and customers in your feedback loops so that you can get the most accurate picture of how people are experiencing your product or service.

  4. Be sure that everyone on your team knows what they're supposed to do when they see a customer submitting feedback—and make sure they know how important it is!

  5. Always respond promptly (within 48 hours) and professionally to any submissions you receive via the portal, even if you aren't able to provide a solution right away.

Key Takeaway

The importance of feedback loops has been proven time and time again in business, especially in the realm of product management.

They allow companies to get a better understanding of what their customers want from them and how they want it delivered. User feedback loops also help companies have an impact on the world around them. They give them the opportunity to grow in new ways and create new types of products.


What are the 5 steps of a feedback loop?

The five steps of a feedback loop are:

  1. Observation: The process starts with observing a situation and identifying a problem or an opportunity.

  2. Feedback: Gathering feedback or data related to the issue or opportunity identified in the observation step.

  3. Data Analysis: Analyzing the feedback or data collected to understand the root cause and develop potential solutions or improvements.

  4. Action: Taking appropriate actions based on the insights derived from the previous step.

  5. Evaluation: Evaluating the effectiveness of the actions taken and measuring the impact made to determine if the problem or opportunity has been addressed successfully or if further adjustments are needed.

How do you set up a user feedback loop?

You can set up a user feedback loop by creating a form on your website or other platforms where customers can leave their feedback. You then review those feedback and feature requests and use them to improve the product.

What are some benefits of setting up a customer feedback loop?

Customer feedback loops help you identify problems with your product and fix them before they become big problems, which helps prevent bad reviews or low sales. They also allow you to learn what customers want so that you can create new features or improve existing ones.

How to do a feedback loop?

Here are some general steps to follow for creating and implementing a feedback loop:

  • Determine the goal: Define why you want to create a feedback loop, whether it's to improve a product, process, or service, increase employee satisfaction, or gain insight into customer needs.

  • Decide what to measure: Identify the relevant data points to track and analyze to achieve your goal. Ensure that your measures are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  • Gather feedback: Determine the best methods to gather feedback, such as through surveys, focus groups, customer service interactions, or employee feedback loops.

  • Analyze feedback: Take time to go through the responses and feedback you receive and look for common themes or issues.

  • Take action: Develop an action plan based on the feedback received and implement changes to address the issues or capitalize on the opportunities identified.

  • Evaluate the impact: Evaluate the results of the changes made and how they impact your goal. If they haven’t succeeded, assess and modify your approach and try again.

Remember, you will need to continuously monitor, refine, and adjust your feedback loop over time to ensure it stays effective and delivers the best results for your organization.

What are two types of feedback loops?

There are two types of feedback loops: positive feedback and negative feedback.

  1. Positive feedback loop: In a positive feedback loop, the output or response amplifies the original signal or input. This means that the system reinforces or increases the initial condition. A classic example is the process of childbirth. The contractions of the uterus during labor trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin, which in turn stimulates more contractions, leading to an escalating cycle until the baby is delivered.

  2. Negative feedback loop: In a negative feedback loop, the output or response counters the original signal or input, leading to a stabilizing effect. The system self-regulates and aims to maintain a balance or equilibrium. For example, the human body's control of body temperature involves a negative feedback loop. When the body temperature rises, the body perspires to cool down, reducing the temperature back to the normal range.

Both types of feedback loops play significant roles in various systems and processes, either by driving change and growth (positive feedback) or maintaining stability and equilibrium (negative feedback).

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