Customer Feedback

Overcoming Customer Feedback Resistance: Common Causes & Expert Solutions

Learn how to tackle customer feedback resistance & unlock your business's full potential. Gain insights from industry experts on building a feedback-friendly culture and driving growth.
Anish Jangra
Anish Jangra
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Embracing Customer Insights: Expert Tips for Overcoming Feedback Resistance and Driving Success

In the competitive world of business, customer feedback plays a pivotal role in driving growth and success. Yet many organizations face challenges when it comes to collecting and acting on this invaluable input.

This blog delves into the common causes of customer feedback resistance, offering insights from industry experts and exploring practical strategies for overcoming these obstacles. By embracing customer feedback, businesses can make informed decisions, tailor their offerings to meet customer needs, and ultimately thrive in today's rapidly evolving marketplace.

What is customer feedback resistance?

Customer feedback resistance refers to the reluctance or resistance customers may have toward providing feedback on products, services, or experiences. This resistance can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from customers who are unwilling to provide honest feedback to those who are simply too busy to respond. Additionally, customers may be hesitant to provide feedback due to privacy concerns or simply a lack of trust in the organization. In any case, organizations need to understand the causes of customer feedback resistance and take steps to address them.

Common Causes of Customer Feedback Resistance

Fear of Negative Feedback

One of the most significant barriers to embracing customer feedback is the fear of receiving negative feedback. Many organizations worry that negative feedback will tarnish their reputation, lower employee morale, or even cost them business. This fear can lead to avoiding feedback altogether or only seeking positive feedback.

We need to start thinking like athletes. Feedback is too often viewed as critique when it should be seen as tips to make you better. Athletes understand that these tips can be the difference between their place on or off the podium, so they crave feedback. It's why they run to their coach right after their race. Anything to give them the extra edge

Ruth Gotian

Chief Learning Officer, Weill Cornell Medicine


The word feedback is often associated with a negative intention. As a coach when I delve deeper, I often discover that past experiences of criticism masked as 'feedback' creates this distrust. If the intention is to demean, disrespect, and attack individuals then this leaves scars for the future. Given that the workplaces comprise folks from diverse backgrounds if appropriate training on how to give and receive feedback is missing, it is also a contributing factor to poor experiences resulting in a lack of trust.

Renuu Tandon, GPHR, SHRM-SCP

Vice President Human Resources @ MarketsandMarkets™

Lack of Time and Resources

Another common cause of feedback resistance is the lack of time and resources. Collecting, analyzing, and acting upon customer feedback can be time-consuming and requires dedication. Many organizations may not have the necessary resources or time to focus on feedback initiatives.

Actually, I believe it can, and MUST be earned! Nobody will immediately place trust in one they don't know. It takes time to build, and only one fleeting moment to lose. Feedback is often received the way it's presented. If there is a positive culture, trust exists, and it's done constructively, not punitively, then it will be more easily accepted.

Dr. Warren G. McDonald

CEO @ McDonald and Associates


One of the main reasons behind the fear of failure is "Delay in action". We stop giving feedback due to bad experiences when action has been delayed resulting in less impact. Also, bad experience is not accounted on the specific scenario it had collateral damage which includes mouth-to-mouth marketing and assumption.

Mohammedaquib Khan

Team Leader Operation @ NielsenIQ

Inadequate Tools and Processes

Collecting feedback can be challenging if an organization does not have the right tools and processes in place. Inefficient methods for gathering feedback, such as paper surveys or outdated software, can lead to frustration and resistance.

Fear of failure

In addition, fear of failure can be a major source of feedback resistance. Fear of failure can lead to an unwillingness to try new strategies or take risks, which can impede progress and growth. Organizations must create a culture where failure is seen as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a source of shame or embarrassment. This can help foster an environment where employees feel comfortable taking risks and embracing feedback.

Helping employees overcome a fear of failure is an absolutely critical management skill. That means managers first need to get comfortable with receiving feedback themselves and being able to give it in ways that are useful, meaningful, and relevant. Creating a culture where people are not fearful of mistakes, take ownership of them, and work to rectify them is the measure of a successful organization. That needs leaders to role model those behaviors and attitudes if we want employees to embrace them. As an HR Consultant, I'm often "encouraging" leaders to do this through the feedback I give them and reminding them that employees pay more attention to what is done than what is said!

Sam Swinstead

Director - HR Specialist for SMEs @ VivoHR & Training UK Ltd

Organizational Culture

Finally, an organization's culture can play a significant role in feedback resistance. If a company does not value or prioritize customer feedback, employees may be less inclined to participate in feedback initiatives or take them seriously.

Without a company culture where every individual trusts each other and feels safe while exchanging open and honest feedback, we default to a more common set of painful emotional reactions where both parties feel anger, disgust, surprise, fear, denial, and resentment due to a lack of understanding of the other person's true intentions. Even if we do clearly understand this subliminal battle that is going on inside our heads, we still haven’t been able to come up with a way to fix it.

Mitch Zenger,

Senior Vice President @ M Squared

Communication barriers

Another common cause of feedback resistance is communication barriers. These can include language barriers, cultural differences, or a lack of understanding of the feedback process. This can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of trust in the feedback process. To combat these communication barriers, organizations should make sure all employees understand the feedback process and are comfortable providing and receiving feedback. Additionally, organizations should strive to create an environment where employees from different backgrounds can feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions.

Not just communication barriers, but also unique ways of thinking that may not align with your own. Speaking as somebody who is neurodiverse, I have no barriers to communicating, but I can have challenges processing feedback that isn't positive. The key is communicating it in ways in which I can process it without fear - I often need to understand not just what's said, but the wider context. As a manager, I've harnessed my own experiences to ensure I tailor the way I communicate feedback, ensuring it is delivered in ways that match individual needs. Some have preferred it to be a short, simple, and structured discussion, others have preferred it to be a longer, more complex conversation to process their thoughts, and this is fine too.

Mollie Chard

Business Lead (Tech/Cyber Emerging Talent) @ Capgemini


Communication barriers can be on both sides of the conversation. Some questions I always like to ponder: Are you being positive in the language you're using? You both might be hearing what each other is saying, but are you really listening? Are you somewhere private, conducive to the conversation being had? Is the tone, pace, and content of your delivery match the topic at hand?

Samir Al-Wahid

Learning Specialist @ Foundever

Why is it important for businesses to overcome customer feedback resistance?

Overcoming customer feedback resistance is essential for businesses as it allows them to understand their customers better, make informed decisions, and develop products and services that meet customer needs. By actively encouraging and addressing customer feedback, businesses can identify areas for improvement, increase efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. It also helps businesses foster a customer-centric culture, build a positive reputation, and drive growth by continuously refining their offerings.

Here are 5 reasons why it is important for businesses to overcome feedback resistance:

Driving Continuous Improvement

Overcoming customer feedback resistance is crucial for businesses as it helps drive continuous improvement. Feedback, both positive and negative, allows organizations to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth. By addressing customer concerns and implementing changes based on their feedback, companies can improve their products or services and stay ahead of the competition.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Listening to customers' opinions and acting upon them demonstrates a company's commitment to meeting their needs. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty, leading to repeat business and long-term success. Overcoming feedback resistance allows organizations to build stronger relationships with their customers, which ultimately translates into increased revenue.

Strengthening Brand Reputation

A company that actively seeks out and addresses customer feedback is more likely to have a strong brand reputation. In today's digital age, word-of-mouth recommendations travel fast through online reviews and social media platforms. By overcoming feedback resistance, businesses can address any issues promptly, maintaining a positive image in the eyes of potential customers.

Encouraging Innovation

Feedback from customers can provide valuable insights into emerging trends and market demands. Overcoming feedback resistance enables businesses to gather these insights effectively and use them as a springboard for innovation. Companies that listen to their customers are better positioned to develop new products or services that cater to evolving customer preferences.

Empowering Employees

When companies overcome feedback resistance, they create an environment where employees feel encouraged to voice their ideas or concerns without fear of retaliation. This empowers employees by giving them a sense of ownership in the company's growth while fostering collaboration between departments.

In conclusion, overcoming customer feedback resistance is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today's competitive landscape. By embracing feedback with open arms, companies can continuously improve their offerings while strengthening relationships with customers - ultimately driving success in the long run.

Strategies to Overcome Feedback Resistance

Encourage a Feedback-Driven Culture

To combat feedback resistance, organizations must create a culture that values and prioritizes customer feedback. Leaders can set the tone by actively seeking feedback themselves and demonstrating its importance. Encourage open communication and transparency, and recognize employees who actively contribute to feedback initiatives.

The more often feedback is given and asked for, the more normalized it will be. Quick, bite-sized feedback regularly creates a culture where we tell each other the truth. As a leader, it is critical to create space to ask for feedback and for teams to debrief objectively.

Lisa Friscia, SHRM-SCP

Fractional Chief People Officer | Strategic Advisor

Make the Feedback Process Easy and Efficient

Simplifying the feedback process can help reduce resistance. Streamline the process by using customer-friendly methods, such as online surveys or in-app feedback forms. Additionally, ensure that employees have the necessary training and resources to collect and analyze feedback effectively.

Accepting from the outset that no individual, department, business, process, or system is ever perfect, is a good starting point. As such there is always room for improvement. As long as the one giving the feedback does so in a helpful and non-judgemental manner and the recipient takes it in the same way, then it should be given and accepted as a positive interaction. Crisis simulation exercises can often highlight such feedback, in a passive, subtle, and less accusatorial fashion.

Andre Regan

Crisis Management & Business Continuity Coach

Utilize the Right Tools and Technologies

Investing in the right tools like Supahub can make a significant difference in overcoming feedback resistance. Supahub enables seamless feedback collection, analysis, and reporting. By using effective tools, organizations can streamline the feedback process, making it more accessible and engaging for both employees and customers.

Act on Feedback and Share Results

One of the most critical aspects of overcoming feedback resistance is demonstrating the value of customer feedback. Act on the feedback received, make improvements and share the results with employees and customers. This will show that their input is valued and essential for the organization's growth and success.

I've found having a filter for feedback to be useful, as not all feedback is relevant or pertinent. That doesn't mean dismissing it either. Take time to reflect on the feedback, rather than an immediate reaction to it, especially if the feedback is not what you are expecting.

Rebecca Jenkins

Founder | Director @ RJEN

Develop a Process for Prioritizing and Categorizing Feedback

To make the most of customer feedback, it's essential to develop a clear process for prioritizing and categorizing the information received. This will help your organization focus on the most critical issues and opportunities while ensuring that all feedback is addressed appropriately.

  1. Establish feedback categories: Start by creating categories that reflect different aspects of your business or product, such as user experience, pricing, customer support, or feature requests. This will allow you to easily sort and analyze feedback according to its relevance.

  2. Define priority levels: Assign a priority level to each category based on its importance to your organization's goals and objectives. For example, you might prioritize user experience issues over pricing concerns if improving usability is a key goal.

  3. Create a system for tracking feedback: Use a centralized tool or platform to collect, track, and manage customer feedback across categories and priority levels. This could be a simple spreadsheet or a more sophisticated CRM or project management tool.

  4. Assign responsibility: Designate specific team members or departments as responsible for addressing feedback within each category. This ensures accountability and helps ensure that no valuable input falls through the cracks.

  5. Establish timelines for action: Set realistic deadlines for addressing feedback based on its priority level and complexity. Regularly review progress towards these goals to ensure timely action is taken on customer input.

  6. Communicate progress: Keep both employees and customers informed about how their feedback is being used by sharing updates on improvements made in response to their suggestions. This reinforces the value of their input and encourages ongoing engagement with the feedback process.


In conclusion, overcoming feedback resistance is essential for organizations looking to grow and succeed in today's competitive business landscape. By understanding the common causes of feedback resistance and implementing strategies such as fostering a feedback-driven culture, simplifying the feedback process, using the right tools and technologies, acting on feedback, and developing a system for prioritizing and categorizing input, businesses can effectively harness customer insights to drive continuous improvement. Embracing customer feedback not only leads to better products and services but also builds trust and loyalty among customers, ultimately contributing to long-term success.

Overcoming feedback resistance is vital for organizations that want to grow and succeed in today's competitive landscape. By understanding the common causes of feedback resistance and implementing effective strategies, companies can harness the power of customer feedback to drive improvement and innovation. Remember, customer feedback is an invaluable asset embrace it and use it to propel your organization forward.


What are some common causes of feedback resistance?

Common causes of feedback resistance include fear of criticism, ego protection, feeling threatened or defensive, lack of trust, and past negative experiences with feedback.

How does customer feedback resistance impact businesses?

Customer feedback resistance can limit businesses' ability to gather valuable insights for improvement, hinder customer satisfaction and loyalty, and impede efforts to enhance products and services based on customer needs and preferences.

What are effective solutions for overcoming customer feedback resistance?

Effective solutions for overcoming customer feedback resistance include offering clear incentives or rewards for providing feedback, making the feedback process quick and easy, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity, and actively demonstrating the value and impact of customer feedback.

How can businesses create a feedback-friendly environment?

Businesses can create a feedback-friendly environment by actively seeking feedback through various channels, responding promptly and genuinely to customer feedback, showing appreciation for feedback received, and incorporating customer suggestions into improvement efforts.

How can businesses measure the effectiveness of their feedback-collection efforts?

Businesses can measure the effectiveness of their feedback collection efforts by tracking the quantity and quality of received feedback, monitoring changes in customer satisfaction or loyalty metrics, and analyzing customer feedback trends over time to identify improvement areas.

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